A remote business meeting is a business conference online that is held between two or more participants. These types of business meetings could take the form small, one-to-one meetings between team members as well as large online gatherings that bring employees from all over the world.

Remote business meetings, depending on your company’s requirements are a great tool to keep team morale high and keep employees connected. Running effective remote business meetings, however, requires a few key elements:

The first step is to ensure that your employees are at ease with the frequency of these meetings. While some employees might be content to communicate with their managers at least once or twice per week, others might prefer more frequent meetings that allow them to keep up with the latest developments within the project.

After you’ve negotiated the frequency of your remote meetings now it’s time to get down to business. Begin the meeting by asking questions about your employees’ health and wellbeing, as well as their overall work performance. This will make your team feel appreciated and valued and is crucial to increase employee engagement.

Be clear and concise when interacting with remote meetings. Being clear and deliberate can help your coworkers understand what you’re saying, and using the video feature to show your face can aid in communication and increase teamwork. Making sure everyone is visible during meetings prevents people from omitting important information. It’s an excellent idea to provide each participant with a recorded version of the virtual meeting afterwards to allow them to review any discussions or deliverables that they missed.
